Pirueta Editorial

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Las estrellas (The Stars) (Spanish Version)

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Las estrellas (The Stars) (Spanish Version)

As three children look up in the night sky at the stars, three stars look down at the earth at the children! The stars twinkle and the children twirl as they make wishes on each other! Students can learn the classic nursery rhymes Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star and Star Light, Star Bright while acting out this clever story based on the rhymes. This Spanish-translated script includes six roles, each of which match a different reading level. Teachers can apply differentiation and English language learner strategies to the script to assign roles in a way that accommodates all students, whether they are struggling or proficient readers. All students can engage in one activity together, gaining confidence in their reading fluency and feeling successful, regardless of their current reading ability! An accompanying song and poem provide additional resources to help students build fluency! Along with reading fluency improvement, students will also practice reading aloud, interacting cooperatively, and using expressive voices and gestures by performing this charming story together. This dynamic, colorful script is sure to benefit a classroom of varied readers!

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Brilla, brilla, estrellita y "Estrella alumbrada, estrella brillante" ("Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star" and "Star Light, Star Bright")

Total de páginas 16



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36 Valoraciones Totales

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