Pirueta Editorial

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Soy un buen amigo (I Am a Good Friend)

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Libro Soy un buen amigo (I Am a Good Friend)

What makes a good friend? Soy un buen amigo (I Am a Good Friend) teaches students about friendship. The clear, text-supported images and simple, repetitive sentences will engage students in reading as they build their social studies content knowledge. For use in the classroom or at home, this Spanish book includes a glossary and index to introduce informational text features to young readers and provide additional reading support.

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Total de páginas 24



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Trabajadores de mi ciudad (Workers in My City)

Libro Trabajadores de mi ciudad (Workers in My City)

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Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls)

Libro Empujar y jalar (Pushes and Pulls)

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Libro Sol de Medianoche / Midnight Sun

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Luis de Carvajal de la Cueva

Libro Luis de Carvajal de la Cueva

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