Pirueta Editorial

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La capital de nuestra nación: Washington D. C. (Our Nation's Capital: Washington, DC) (Spanish Version)

Resumen del Ebook

Libro La capital de nuestra nación: Washington D. C. (Our Nation's Capital: Washington, DC) (Spanish Version)

Teach students the significance of the capital of the United States, Washington, DC. This Spanish-translated nonfiction book introduces readers to important buildings and monuments in Washington, DC, and helps students understand the city's importance and connection to American history. Primary source images and supporting text work together to engage young learners from cover to cover.

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Total de páginas 34



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Otros libros de Kelly Rodgers

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Libro Las colonias del Sur: La primera y la última de las 13

¿Cómo involucras realmente a los estudiantes en el aprendizaje de la historia? Cuando los estudiantes establecen conexiones personales con la asignatura, están mucho más motivados para aprender. Este libro en español proporciona relatos de la historia de primera mano que brindan información personal sobre los eventos históricos y se enfoca en la historia del sistema escolar de California. Con un diseño visualmente atractivo, este libro presenta texto cautivador, datos divertidos, barras laterales y líneas de tiempo que ayudan a los estudiantes a comprender los conceptos esenciales...

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A 2014 survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration showed that 8.7 million youths ages twelve to twenty reported drinking alcohol beyond “just a few sips” in the previous month. Those who start drinking before age fifteen are five times more likely to become dependent on alcohol than those who begin at twenty-one. This resource shows young people how to help a friend who is abusing alcohol. It arms them with facts about alcohol, how it affects the teen mind and body, how to look for signs of a problem, and how to bring others on board to help.

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Libro ¡A jugar con los poemas!

52 actividades para talleres de poesía infantil agrupados en tres capítulos: 1. Poesís oral y floclore. 2. Juegos con poemas. 3. Un cuento en verso: La Bruja Pimienta.

Siempre crece: La fruta (Always Growing: Fruit)

Libro Siempre crece: La fruta (Always Growing: Fruit)

Featuring Time For Kids content, Siempre crece: La fruta (Always Growing: Fruit) will engage students in learning. Discover what happens when an apple seed is planted in the ground. Based on NGSS standards, this Spanish book teaches children about growth, and encourages young learners to use their own words to describe what is happening in the pictures.


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