Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI


Resumen del Ebook

Libro Alejandro

Alejandro is a real-life, non-fiction publication about real people; living and dead. The names in this publication have not been changed. Alejandro chronicles Alejandro Estrada's journey through a Hunger Game as he searched for answers after his partner, Los Angeles film producer Michael R. Goss, was murdered in 2009. Alejandro shares a very candid peek into the dark underbelly of corruption. Alejandro may have been one of the last people; beloved actor Robin Williams was in contact with prior to his tragic death. In this second part of his memoir, Alejandro shares the last words he and Mr.Williams exchanged in July 2014 Alejandro is the truth that will set the world free, because everything the world believes is true, has been a lie. Nothing is how it appears. The true information contained in this publication is so controversial that the Associated Press refuses to lift the ban they placed on Alejandro. Alejandro found himself on the media blacklist in 2012 after he warned the nation about the massacre at Sandy Hook elementary, two months before it took place.

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Total de páginas 182


  • Alejandro Carbajal Estrada


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