Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Walt Disney SP

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Walt Disney SP

The Mi Mini Biografia series are Spanish language biographies for the earliest readers. This book examines the life of Walt Disney in a simple, age-appropriate way that will help children develop word recognition and reading skills. Includes a timeline and other informative backmatter.

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Total de páginas 24



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Otros libros de Emma E. Haldy

Davy Crockett SP

Libro Davy Crockett SP

The Mi Mini Biografia series are Spanish language biographies for the earliest readers. This book examines the life of Davy Crockett in a simple, age-appropriate way that will help children develop word recognition and reading skills. Includes a timeline and other informative backmatter.

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El otoño

Libro El otoño

Discusses the various facets of the fall season, including activities and celebrations, through simple questions and answers.

Lo que demuestra la evidencia (What the Evidence Shows)

Libro Lo que demuestra la evidencia (What the Evidence Shows)

The scientific method lists important steps in the process of conducting scientific study and research. With detailed images and fascinating sidebars, this nonfiction book explores the scientific method and scientific practices in depth, and introduces students to new concepts, vocabulary terms, and STEM topics. Aligned to state and national standards, the leveled text supports students reading at above-, below-, and on-grade level. The fun lab activity encourages students to think like scientists. Keep students engaged in learning with this Spanish book.

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