Pirueta Editorial

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Libro Soñadores

This Spanish language edition of Yuyi Morales's Pura Belpré Award winner and New York Times Bestseller Dreamers is now available in paperback! Caldecott Honor artist and six-time Pura Belpré winner Yuyi Morales's gorgeous book Dreamers, and its Spanish language version Soñadores, are about making a home in a new place. Yuyi and her son Kelly's passage was not easy, and Yuyi did not speak any English at the time. But together, they found an unexpected, unbelievable place: the public library. There, book by book, they untangled the language of this strange new land, and learned to make their home within it. Soñadores is a celebration of what migrants bring with them when they leave their homes. It's a story about family. And it's a story to remind us that we are all dreamers, bringing our own gifts wherever we roam. Beautiful and powerful at any time but given particular urgency as the status of our own Dreamers becomes uncertain, this is a story that is both topical and timeless. The lyrical text is followed by a brief autobiographical essay about Yuyi's own experience, a list of books that inspired her (and still do), and a description of the beautiful images, textures, and mementos she used to create this book. It has been translated by the acclaimed Teresa Mlawer. Dreamers was listed on Kirkus Reviews' Best Books of 2018, School Library Journal's Best Books of 2018, Publisher's Weekly Best Books of 2018 and the Amazon Best Books of 2018. It won a Eureka! Nonfiction Children's Book Award Honor, 2018, was a Kirkus Prize finalist, 2018, and was included on the Horn Book Fanfare list 2018. Dreamers has been awarded the 2019 Pura Belpre Award for illustration, The Flora Stieglitz Strauss Award from Bank Street College, and the Tomás Rivera award. This exquisite book is now available in paperback!

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