Pirueta Editorial

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Mezclas y soluciones (Mixtures and Solutions)

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Mezclas y soluciones (Mixtures and Solutions)

Molecules and atoms can take the form of a solid, a liquid, or a gas. Each state of matter has its own properties. Together, these three states of matter make up most everything in the universe! Learn all about mixtures and solutions with this Spanish science reader that brings the power of science and informational text to students at a level they can understand. Introduce students to STEM topics and new concepts and vocabulary terms like solvent, polarity, compound, and solubility with this nonfiction book that is aligned to state and national standards. The leveled text supports students reading at above-, below-, and on-grade level. The fun lab activity encourages students to think like scientists. Keep students engaged in learning with this Spanish book.

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Total de páginas 32


  • Hugh Westrup


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