Pirueta Editorial

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La Contratación Pública Internacional

Resumen del Ebook

Libro La Contratación Pública Internacional

One of the areas that best reflect the process of training, development and consolidation of a global administrative law is, without any doubt, that of public procurement. In effect, public contracts have been subject in recent years to important legislation and international agreements, as well as to the jurisprudence of bodies with international jurisdiction that have established general principles, and to administrative actions, among others, to settle disputes between States or other parties in dispute. The book analyzes this novel as important international law of public procurement and the rules that establish the WTO GPA, the Model Law of the United Nations or the rules of the World Bank and the OECD, as well as trade agreements that negotiate and subscribe the states so that their public and private companies can have access to the markets of goods and services of other states. Public procurement in the European Union-Mexico Free Trade Agreement (TLCUEM) is analyzed and, in addition, Mexican law and European Union law on public contracts, which is already in the fourth generation of norms in the matter, that have come to culminate an evolution that has consecrated a very complete set of substantive and procedural rules that discipline so much the phases of preparation and adjudication of the public contracts as those of execution and resolution of the same. The Directive of the European Union 2014/24 on public procurement contemplates innovative measures in order to simplify, modernize and improve the efficiency of the rules and contractual procedures and its forecasts aim that buyers use better public contracts in support of objectives common social issues, such as protecting the environment, promoting innovation and social inclusion. In this regard, it should be noted that the recommendation of the Commission of the European Union 2017/1805, of 3 October 2017, on the professionalization of public procurement, obliges all Member States to develop and implement long-term professionalization strategies term for public procurement, adapted to their needs, resources and administrative structure. Given the new scheme of international public procurement, all countries must adopt and replicate these policies of training, training, updating and specialization. of the legal operators of the public administration.

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Unión Europea-México

Total de páginas 263


  • José Antonio Moreno Molina
  • Rodolfo Cancino Gómez


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