Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Hillary Clinton

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Hillary Clinton

Even young readers were likely saturated with exposure to Hillary Clinton over the course of the 2016 presidential election. But do they really know who she is and what she has accomplished? This volume bridges the gap between current news stories and what elementary readers really know about the first female presidential candidate. By illuminating the life and story of this powerhouse of politics, young readers can learn and be inspired by a story of perseverance, service to others, and commitment to beliefs. With a vivid, age-appropriate narrative, this much-needed volume is sure to be right at home in any library or classroom.

Ficha del Libro

Total de páginas 24


  • Joan Stoltman


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43 Valoraciones Totales

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