Pirueta Editorial

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Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry

Today's busy trainees and practitioners can now turn to this economical new paperback-- Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry, which provides a unique synopsis of the most important material--20 of the original 40 chapters--included within the fourth edition of the classic The American Psychiatric Publishing Textbook of Clinical Psychiatry. A condensed and efficient companion to the Textbook, this book provides essential updates to the clinical material in a size amenable to reading and referencing. A remarkable team of 51 distinguished experts have created a compelling reference reflecting a biopsychosocial approach to patient treatment that is at once exciting and accessible. Here, these contributors have distilled the essence of their work into 20 skillfully crafted chapters--including three new chapters on the clinical treatment of children and adolescents--updating key clinical information related to a variety of settings (e.g., inpatient, partial hospitalization, outpatient, and rehabilitation programs). Carefully organizing their chapters around three broad areas, from normal development and assessment methods to diagnostic information and finally to treatment, these authors update and summarize • Normal child and adolescent development, the psychiatric interview, psychiatric history, and mental status examination• A broad spectrum of psychiatric disorders that affect infants, children, adolescents, adults, and seniors (e.g., delirium and dementia disorders; substance abuse; schizophrenia; mood, anxiety, somatoform, factitious, dissociative, adjustment, sexual and gender identity, personality, sleep, eating, and impulse-control disorders)• The latest treatments, including psychopharmacology and electroconvulsive therapy; psychoanalysis, psychoanalytic psychotherapy, and supportive psychotherapy; and treatment of children and adolescents Combining the efforts of junior and senior authors has further enhanced the effectiveness of this new abridged version. The resulting blend of new research insights and fresh, expanded perspectives with considerable wisdom and vast research and clinical experience enriches the diversity and quality of the material and increases its appeal to readers at all levels of educational and clinical experience. A broad, integrated knowledge of both psychology and neuroscience is the essence of psychiatric practice and the ideal basis for treatment decisions. Essentials of Clinical Psychiatry delivers core knowledge to psychiatry residents and practitioners alike and will also prove useful to physicians in other fields (e.g., family practice, internal medicine, pediatrics, neurology) and interested laypersons.

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Total de páginas 1008


  • Robert E. Hales
  • Stuart C. Yudofsky


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