Pirueta Editorial

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Egos revueltos

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Egos revueltos

Journalist Juan Cruz confesses in his memoirs, Scrambled Egos, that while he was very young began to be curious to inquire on the most hidden of the creators, to know their concerns, ambitions, anxieties and obsessions. Today, after forty years of dedication to cultural journalism, and after six years as head of a prestigious publishing house, that curiosity for the soul of the artists or the vagaries of literary creation is still as alive as ever, but now enriched by the experience who had the fortune to interview, accompanied as editor and, ultimately, learn about authors from the European and Latin American literary life in recent decades.

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Titulo Alternativo : una memoria personal de la vida literaria

Total de páginas 479


  • Juan Cruz Ruiz


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