Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Construyendo una casa

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Construyendo una casa

It takes different parts to build a house. The floor is built first. Walls need to be added next. Windows and doors, too. Learn about the steps it takes to build a house. Paired to the fiction title We Have a Box.

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Titulo Alternativo : Building a House

Total de páginas 16



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21 Valoraciones Totales

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Libro ¿Qué hay en el bosque?

Many things can be found in the woods. Some you need to watch out for. Find out about what can be found in the woods. Paired to the fiction title Billy’s Camping Trip.

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Libro Mascotas alrededor del mundo

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Libro Relieves de la Tierra

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Cruella. Fashion book

Libro Cruella. Fashion book

¡Inspírate en el universo de Cruella De Vil para despertar a la diseñadora que hay en tu interior! De la mano de Cruella, aprenderás todo lo que necesitas saber para diseñar tus propias prendas y accesorios de moda. ¿Qué esperas? ¡Anímate a crear tus diseños fashion de la forma más divertida!

Tecnología para todos: Wifi en todo el mundo (Technology For All: Wi-Fi Around the World)

Libro Tecnología para todos: Wifi en todo el mundo (Technology For All: Wi-Fi Around the World)

Many people take the Internet for granted. But there are places that lack Internet access. Being connected helps people connect, and new ideas are being developed and tested to bring the Internet to more of the world. This Spanish nonfiction book will keep students engaged in reading about Internet access as they build their literacy, vocabulary, and comprehension skills. Important text features include a glossary, index, and table of contents. The Reader's Guide and culminating activity require students to connect back to the text as they develop their higher-order thinking skills. Check It...

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