Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Alguien dice tu nombre

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Alguien dice tu nombre

"In the summer of 1963, Spain is sad, thick and shrunken. Time seems to have stopped in the calendar and everyone's feet hurt to walk through life as if they did damage the shoes. But anytime fortunes can change: through the cracks of this dripping a little hope. This dry, hot summer and foolish is the awakening of Leon Egea. Away from claustrophobic environment of its people and wounded by the literature, began working in the publishing universe and live your first love. In difficult times it is important to bet on the future in terms comfortable or uncomfortable. Because the future will not be indifferent. But you have to name things. It's what makes them real, which gives them consistency. The city frozen in time is Granada, Consuelo is the beautiful woman and inevitable falls that Leo and the future does not bear any other name than that of commitment. Yes, it all starts with the name."--Provided by publisher.

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