Pirueta Editorial

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Tu voto, tu voz ebook

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Tu voto, tu voz ebook

Learn about elections and why voting is important with this Spanish nonfiction book. Perfect for young readers, the book also includes a related fiction story, project, glossary, useful text features, and engaging sidebars. This 28-page full-color Spanish book examines a variety of voting issues and how the election process works. It also covers important topics like democracy and civic duty, and includes an extension activity for grade 2. Perfect for the classroom, at-home learning, or homeschool, to explore election issues, candidates, and being an informed citizen.

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Total de páginas 28



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28 Valoraciones Totales

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Nature is not always kind. Natural disasters like earthquakes and storms can wipe out cities. Entire cultures and their histories are at risk of being lost. When disaster strikes, some people work to save cultural items. They preserve culture for the future! Created in collaboration with the Smithsonian Institution, this Smithsonian Informational Text builds students' reading skills while engaging their curiosity about STEAM topics through real-world examples. It features a hands-on STEAM challenge that guides students through every step of the engineering design process and is perfect for...

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Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving) 6-Pack

Libro Escalar y saltar (Climbing and Diving) 6-Pack

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