Pirueta Editorial

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¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Resumen del Ebook

Libro ¡Supervivencia! Desierto (Survival! Desert) (Spanish Version)

Imagine being lost and stranded in the desert. Would you know what to do to survive? This useful Spanish-translated nonfiction title explains the important skills needed to survive in the desert. With helpful diagrams and images, definitions, tips and instructions, informational text, a bibliography, and a list of other helpful websites, readers can be assured that they will learn about the dangers of heat exhaustion, desert plants that could aid in survival, and other helpful tips in order to survive in an emergency.

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Total de páginas 48



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Otros libros de William B. Rice

Los terremotos (Earthquakes) (Spanish Version)

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Most of the Earth's changes happen over millions of years, but earthquakes can force significant changes to the land in just a few moments. Readers will learn the science of plate tectonics and its role in the development of earthquakes around the globe. They will also learn that not all rocks are created equal. In fact, rocks are all different ages! This Spanish-translated book concludes with images of the damage and destruction that earthquakes can cause.

El desierto del Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley Desert) (Spanish Version)

Libro El desierto del Valle de la Muerte (Death Valley Desert) (Spanish Version)

Death Valley is one of the hottest and driest deserts of the world! Readers are taken on an adventure through Death Valley to learn about the plants and animals that survive in this dry, hot desert landscape in this engaging, Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Featuring vivid photographs, informational text, and riveting facts about desert ecology, readers will be fascinated from beginning to end!

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Libro La economía (The Economy of Latin America)

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