Pirueta Editorial

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Secretos de Éxito de Bienes Raíces

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Secretos de Éxito de Bienes Raíces

This book is dedicated to the aspiring Real Estate Agent searching for a pathway to SUCCESS. What will be discussed are real-world ideas and solutions to the ever continued to hunt for the next prospect. These will be ideas mostly not taught in the varying settings of offices where real estate is sold. Today you can change everything if you just dare to believe in the extraordinary of what is possible. I could only hope that the Art of the Open House will have the impact on you as it did for me. What is and will be taught truly works for those that have the desire to take their real estate careers from the bottom of the pack to among the top in any real estate office of any country. RJ began his real estate career like some many with all the excitement, passion and a can-do attitude. Within eight months' time, he was all but out of a real estate career until one day when the most profound game-changing discovery was revealed and his Real Estate Career would never be the same. Go from 0 to a 6 figure income within your 1st year. To the future SUCCESS may the road in front you now have direction.

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Total de páginas 98


  • Rj Salerno


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