Pirueta Editorial

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Relationship Secrets 201

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Relationship Secrets 201

In this book, Pastor Chris reveals one of the most important relationship secrets. The secret in this book, which is a very deep relationship secret, has been hidden for ages. Access to the secret will empower you to marry without further delay, if you are single. Access to the secret will empower you to enjoy your marriage, if you are married. Access to the secret will empower you to reconcile with your spouse, if you are separated. Access to the secret will also empower you to succeed in every kind of relationship. This book is a powerful tool for succeeding in all kinds of relationships. Pastor Chris Ojigbani is the Apostle of Marriage. God commissioned him to liberate marriages through the preaching of the Word. He is the Senior Pastor of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries. He and his wife Pastor Uche, who is also involved in the ministry, live in Lagos, Nigeria. His television programme, Singles and Married with Pastor Chris Ojigbani, is aired on various television stations in many parts of the world. He also conducts interactive marriage seminars in different countries.

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Total de páginas 120


  • Pastor Chris Ojigbani


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