Pirueta Editorial

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La Nostalgia de la Mujer Anfibio

Resumen del Ebook

Libro La Nostalgia de la Mujer Anfibio

The old woman Lucha is about to be killed by her husband before the astonished gaze of her granddaughter. The origin of the rancor accumulated for decades dates back to the early morning of January 2, 1921. The young Lucha experienced the shipwreck of the steamship Santa Isabel at the mouth of the Arousa estuary, off the island of Sálvora. While the men celebrated the arrival of the new year, the women faced alone the rescue of the castaways by throwing themselves into the sea with their dornas. They were considered heroines, but there were also rumors about not-so-epic behaviors, in which greed and pillage coexisted. That night Lucha went to the beach dressed as a bride: she was dragging her long hair, and she let confusion lead her in front of a castaway naked but wearing a top hat. Who was she? An English musician or the incarnation of the devil? Why did Lucha end up naked like him? What happened that day will mark the life of her, that of her daughter and also that of her granddaughter.

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Total de páginas 272


  • Cristina Sánchez-andrade


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