Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Helen Keller

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Helen Keller

In this inspiring biography, readers will learn about the incredible journey of Helen Keller. Using informational, Spanish-translated text and expressive images and photos, readers will discover the undeniable determination that Keller had as a young deaf and blind girl and how her teacher, Anne Sullivan, helped her to read, write, speak, and graduate from college. With a timeline, a bibliography, and a glossary of terms, children are given the tools they need to expand their knowledge about this fascinating and inspiring woman.

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Titulo Alternativo : Una nueva visi—n

Total de páginas 48



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90 Valoraciones Totales

Otros libros de Tamara Hollingsworth

Neil Armstrong (Spanish Version)

Libro Neil Armstrong (Spanish Version)

On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong made history by becoming the first man to ever walk on the moon! Readers will be engaged from cover to cover as they learn about Armstrong's inspirational career as an astronaut in this biography that features additional information on gravity, NASA, and the moon landing. The vivid images work in conjunction with the supportive text, timeline, glossary, and index to allow for better understanding of the content. This book has been translated into Spanish.

Anne Frank

Libro Anne Frank

Anne Frank's diary has become one of the most widely read books in the world. Readers will learn about Anne as she went into hiding from the Nazi Party in this Spanish-translated nonfiction title. Through vibrant images, informational text, timelines, and a glossary of terms, readers will discover the hardships Anne and her family went through in order to avoid being sent to a concentration camp. This inspiring biography enables children to look up to Anne and find hope in every situation, just as she did.

Amelia Earhart 6-Pack

Libro Amelia Earhart 6-Pack

Young readers will be inspired by this biography about the first woman to fly solo across the Atlantic. The appealing images, helpful text, and supportive timeline, glossary, table of contents, and index combine to create an engaging experience as readers learn about one of the greatest female pilots of all time. This 6-Pack has been translated into Spanish and includes six copies of this title and a lesson plan.

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Libro Cuando Lázaro anduvo

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Conecta 2.0, biología y geología, 3 ESO

Libro Conecta 2.0, biología y geología, 3 ESO

Un libro claro, riguroso y estructurado, adaptado a los contenidos curriculares de Biología y Geología, acompañado de un elevado número de actividades teóricas, prácticas, competenciales e interactivas. Son piezas clave del libro: el enfoque TIC, con vínculos a animaciones y a actividades interactivas y el planteamiento encaminado al desarrollo de las competencias básicas.Incluye como anexos un diccionario científico y un atlas anatómico, de gran utilidad tanto en el aula como para el uso autónomo de los alumnos.

Honestamente, ¡Caperucita Roja Era Muy Vanidosa!

Libro Honestamente, ¡Caperucita Roja Era Muy Vanidosa!

You think you know the story of Little Red Riding Hood? THINK AGAIN! This retelling of the classic story, told from the wolf's perspective, will give you a fresh spin on this famous tale. Was the wolf just really hungry for apples? Was Little Red Riding Hood rotten? This fun fractured tale will leave you with a whole new understanding of the classic story. Fully translated Spanish text. ¿Crees que conoces la verdadera historia de Caperucita Roja? ¡ES POSIBLE QUE NO! Esta versión del cuento clásico contada desde la perspectiva del lobo te trae el otro lado de la famosa historia. ¿Será...

¿Qué son los medios? ebook

Libro ¿Qué son los medios? ebook

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