Pirueta Editorial

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El sistema óseo (The Skeletal System)

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Libro El sistema óseo (The Skeletal System)

The skeletal system is made up of bones. They support and protect your body and help it work. Some bones help you run, or pick up a pencil; others protect organs, like the skull, which protects your brain. Learn about bones, joints and more in this informative book.

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Total de páginas 48


  • Caroline Arnold


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Libro Crecimiento (Growing Up)

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¡Lideraré el camino! (I'll Lead the Way!)

Libro ¡Lideraré el camino! (I'll Lead the Way!)

Introduce students to what it takes to be a good leader using this Spanish-translated nonfiction book. Engaging, primary source documents and images that support the text will inspire children to practice being a good leader! Early readers will build their literacy skills and social studies content knowledge while learning about leadership.

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