Pirueta Editorial

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Doce Cartas Sobre Dios:

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Doce Cartas Sobre Dios:

These twelve letters are far from being an abstract and pompous dissertation of theology, much less trite parables that support a vision of a distant god. On the contrary, the words here come out of the voice of a man that has searched for God in the faces of his neighbors. Waiting under the text are questions that the author answers convincingly to what is posed and required of religions today: why does God allow evil to exist? Why is God silent in the midst of human suffering? How to recover the "motherly face of God," that is to say, the feminine side of God? How to speak of God's existence in the midst of post-modernity?

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Total de páginas 96


  • David Fernández Dávalos


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