Pirueta Editorial

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Apocalipsis Revelado

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Apocalipsis Revelado

This book is an attempt to give understanding and clarity to the book of Revelation in the Bible. It provides two keys to understanding Revelation, namely; observing the past, present, and future tenses, and knowing the meaning of the shifting of the scenes.The Book of Revelation Unveiled not only unveils the meaning of each chapter of Revelation, but also correlates these passages with the prophetic writings of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Amos, and Zechariah in the Old Testament. The end of the book contains a Quick Guide Chart giving a summary of the images in each chapter and their meanings. Immediately after chapter four, there is an Event Line giving the sequence of events that are to take place at the time of the end, i.e. from the Parousia or "Rapture" of the Church onwards. There are several new concepts offered in this book which depart from the traditional patterns of interpretation of Revelation. Yet, each is consistent with the remainder of scripture. The author has also brought to light certain historical, geographical, cosmological, and political facts that relate to the book of Revelation. In addition, seven pictures have been included which illustrate the meaning of the text. In summary, The Book of Revelation Unveiled will comfort the Believers, and give them the ability to keep those things that are written in Revelation, that they might be blessed.

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Total de páginas 174


  • Jack Donald Tuls


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