Pirueta Editorial

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The ocean of wealth

Resumen del Ebook

Libro The ocean of wealth

This book is the best for exact predictions in the stock market. So far such a book is not present in the market which is able to tell the truth with respect to the stock so accurately and easily. If any point of this book claims to be of any particular thing, then it should be understood to have occurred definitely. This thing will be understood through practice after learning and doing practical things. Many facts related to market strategy and the five elements are given. Many graphs have been plotted according to elements ,which are able to give much profit to investors and traders of any Capital market fully. I assure to all Investors or traders if they will adept "Panchamahabhuta theory" of scriptures, then then they will be capable of making much profit from every opportunity of the market, even if they are trading in the equity, derivative, commodity or currency market, or even if they are trading on an intraday or delivery basis or it is a short term or long term investment. There will be no need for any market expert, analyst, economist, or any advice, calls, news and updates and till here, there will be rid of anxiety of placing any type of StopLoss. There is no need for advanced knowledge of the stock market, any types of fundamental quantitative or graphical based analysis analysis. No need of any astrological calculation or considering the Muhurat, Paksh, Dasha (placement of planet) etc. This theory makes investors or traders fully confident for his sure profit and they get the spiritual power from elements. These five elements are omniwhere, and by knowing them, a person becomes omniscient. Believe me…. “The Panchamahabhutas- Fire, Water, Ether Earth and Air is everything in the world.. Creation, distortion and operation of the universe takes place due to these elements. In this book- what is an element? How are they identified? Effects of the elements?? How do they work in the stock market? What is Swar Vigyan?? knowledge of Breathing?? What is Ida ,Pingala and Sushumna??... And So on…. This book fully depends on the knowledge of breathing. Humans have two nostrils, left and right, that is called left channel and right channel, also named Ida nadi and pingala nadi, and also called Surya Swar and Chandra Swar. The five elements which are present in the body are measured through the breath. The element which predominates in nature and body will affect every occurance all over the world. This is the essence of this theory. The book is written with many objectives in mind, some purpose is common and some purpose is very important. The problem of unemployment in the country or all over the world is very serious. There is a problem of earning money in front of the youth and earning money is very important for them. But they do not have employment options before them. If they want to earn by coming into the share market, then the risk in it is high and the chances of success were also less. But through this book, an attempt has been made to overcome this problem of income. The second objective is to connect people with yoga. Till now people used to run from yoga or concentrate on business or job. Because of this, their livelihood and social respect was connected, but by the method of yoga, health can also be made. Through this, the trend of spirituality will increase and the younger generations will be aware of the truth of the scriptures. The third objective is to protect individuals from any unpleasant event, accident or loss, they can be avoided after learning the elements. The fourth and final objective, which, even after being very important, does not seem to be so necessary for the people trapped in the worldly Maya trap such as to pave the way to attain God, to understand God or to take measures

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Titulo Alternativo : Panchamahbhuta theory for investors.

Total de páginas 138


  • Tattva-vetta Paramhansa Ji


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