Pirueta Editorial

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Lead With Character

Resumen del Ebook

Libro Lead With Character

''This book is a great lesson to all CEO's and to anyone who wants to lead with wisdom, compassion and vision. Ben Beckhart has beautifully articulated what we all instinctively knew; that leadership is about finding the best in human beings. Leadership without morals is just a scream in the dark. Now, full disclosure. Ben is my best friend. We've known each other since high school. But he's also a wonderful, smart and thoughtful person. My life has been better thanks to him. And with this book you can learn from him too.'' ---Jorge Ramos, Author-Senior News Anchor/Univision News “Ben’s words are a call to leaders and aspiring leaders to follow the difficult path of doing the right thing. In his book, Ben shares the traits that make Character Leaders and separates them from the crowd of appointed leaders in different fields that show competencies but have not earned our trust. His book is an invitation to impact by reaching within our innate humanity to serve others and stand for goodness.” ---Bill Perez, former CEO of Wm Wrigley Jr. Company and S.C. Johnson & Son “Ben Beckhart has written a leadership book that stands alone among the books in that genre — highlighting character as the basis for the most successful leadership seems both logical and rare. The virtues that make up character — recognition of dignity in others, observance of decorum, kindness, and respect are much in need in today’s world, and Beckhart’s book is an exposition of their value. This book provides a much-needed guide for those seeking success at the highest levels in the corporate sector, and in governance— I highly recommend it!” --- Gloria Tarpley, Trustee of Rice University and Chair of the Dallas Planning Commission “Ben’s book is ‘an undeniable call to action that resounds in an era where many have learned not to trust those who stand in the roles as leaders.’ Ben Beckhart shows that what is needed is the catalyst of the heart to claim and use these necessary leadership skills. It is time to promote the spirit of human evolution based on dignity, grace and kindness underpinned by the bright intelligence of the human spirit.” ---David McKenzie, CEO of WisdomRX “It’s a very inspirational and refreshing read that examines the importance of values in the corporate world, written by a seasoned professional. Ben’s wide-ranging experience with top multinationals gives him the authority to scan through the missing values vital to the corporate world, and how “the means justify the end” has become part of today’s corporate culture. This book is a great read for young professionals and future leaders who can gain insight from a great professional and human being.” --- Roberto Pradilla/ Managing Partner Equitum

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : Build a Better Future|

Total de páginas 197


  • Benjamin Beckhart


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