Pirueta Editorial

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Bibliografía de la literatura colombiana del siglo XIX: M-Z

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Libro Bibliografía de la literatura colombiana del siglo XIX: M-Z

Colombia produced one of the richest literatures of Latin America, as much for its abundance as for its variety and innovation during the 19th century. This value has been unknown due to subsequent writers and critics that rejected the importance of this literature and influenced readers to ignore this literary production as noteworthy. In the same way, this lack of recognition has been perpetuated by the absence of information of the literary works produced during the 19th century and has hampered the investigation and research of new generations of readers. Therefore, this Bibliography of 19th century Colombian Literature is an indispensable tool for scholars. They can now begin to gain an understanding of the crucial work of these Colombian intellectuals who forged the literature of this period and contributed decidedly to the consolidation of Latin American literature. The research for this bibliography has spanned three decades of investigation in Colombian libraries as well as the libraries of other countries. It has been a systematic search of the different fields of literary production of Colombians from the end of the Colonial period and the Wars of Independence to the end of the 19th century.

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Total de páginas 512


  • Flor María Rodríguez-arenas


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