Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

La Virgen de Guadalupe

Resumen del Ebook

Libro La Virgen de Guadalupe

This impressive pop-up book tells the story of the Virgin of Guadalupe-one of Latin America's most powerful icons. Beautifully narrated, the text is a mixture of Mexican, Native American, and Spanish styles. Text copyright 2004 Lectorum Publications, Inc.

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Total de páginas 12


  • Francisco Serrano


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El Suelo Del Ruisenor

Libro El Suelo Del Ruisenor

This new epic trilogy set in a feudal Japan, has already become a best-selling sensation, earning comparisons to The Lord of the Rings. It begins with the legend of a nightingale floor in a black-walled fortress/a floor that sings in alarm at the step of an assassin. It will take true courage and all the skills of an ancient Tribe for one orphaned youth named Takeo to discover the magical destiny that awaits him ... across the nightingale floor. A tale of an ancient tradition mined by spies and assassins. A society of strict codes with purity and innocence touched by love.

Alex Colt. El gran Zark

Libro Alex Colt. El gran Zark

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El Sapo Distraido

Libro El Sapo Distraido

For use in schools and libraries only. A toad becomes so absorbed in the act of going to the market that he forgets to buy anything.

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