Interacciones, Enhanced
Resumen del Ebook

This newly enhanced seventh edition of INTERACCIONES bridges the gap between first- and second-year Spanish through a broad focus on useful grammar structures, practical vocabulary, and an effective integration of language and culture. INTERACCIONES enforces grammar and vocabulary presentations with authentic readings and listening activities in order to give students a real-life context in which to use the material. INTERACCIONES employs a tried-and-true pedagogical approach, with special attention to the use of language in context and the National Standards for Foreign Language Learning. These features give students the practice and context needed to communicate in Spanish, and fully engage them to continue studying Spanish past the intermediate level. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
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Total de páginas 496
- Emily Spinelli
- Carmen García
- Carol E. Galvin Flood
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