Pirueta Editorial

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I'm Like You, You're Like Me

Resumen del Ebook

Libro I'm Like You, You're Like Me

It s fun to find ways I m like you and you re like me. It s fun to find ways we re different. In this colorful, inviting English-Spanish book, kids from preschool to lower elementary learn about diversity in terms they can understand: hair that s straight or curly, families with many people or few, bodies that are big or small. With its wide-ranging examples and fun, highly detailed art, "I m Like You, You re Like Me/ Yo soy como tu, tu eres como yo" helps kids appreciate the ways they are alike and affirm their individual differences. A section for adults in the back provides tips and activities (in both English and Spanish) for parents and caregivers to reinforce the themes and lessons of the book. "

Ficha del Libro

Titulo Alternativo : A Book about Understanding and Appreciating Each Other

Total de páginas 48


  • Cindy Gainer


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