Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Libros de Liturgical Press (2 libros)

Ritual del Matrimonio = Ritual del Matrimonio

Libro Ritual del Matrimonio = Ritual del Matrimonio

It is approved by the Conference of the Mexican Episcopate and confirmed by the Congregation for the Divine Cult and Discipline of the Sacraments (Rome). On the cover it has a beautiful drawing by Fray Gabriel Chavez de la Mora. This cover, with the two rings intertwined before the cross--represents the vows of love with which a new Christian family is formed. The same drawing also alludes to the weddings of Cana, where the Lord did his first miracle of turning water into wine.

Ritual Para el Bautismo de los Ninos

Libro Ritual Para el Bautismo de los Ninos

Por primera vez una edician de la Biblia de Jerusalan introduce en su texto el lenguaje propio de Amaricalatina. Dos grupos de expertos, uno de la Universidad Pontificia de Maxico y otro de especialistas colombianos y argentinos, han revisado todala edician introduciendo las adaptaciones necesarias para hacer el mensaje ba-blico mas comprensible alos lectores latinoamericanos. Este ta-tulo disponible solamente en Espanol./This book is written in Spanish only. JerusalemBible Pocket Latinoamericana'study Bible Biblical and Archaeological School of Jerusalem For the first time an edition of the...