Pirueta Editorial

Pirueta Editorial. Editorial online de libros en formatos PDF, EPUB y MOBI

Libros de Charles Bowden (3 libros)


Libro Mezcal

Praise for Mezcal: "Mezcal is also a lyrical meditation upon the ultimate strength of the land, specifically the desert Southwest, and how that land prevails and endures despite every effort of modern industry and development to rape and savage it in the name of progress. Mezcal lingers in the mind as only the very best books manage to do."—Harry Crews "The author . . . excavates his own tormented life—and its relation to the land he loves—in a series of powerful, imagistic autobiographical essays. Like the desert he cherishes, this memoir is harsh yet lovely, full of sour self-truth. . ...

El sicario

Libro El sicario

“Todavía tengo problemas para recordar su rostro. Pero no me siento capaz de olvidar su historia”. —Charles Bowden. Editado por dos de los más respetados escritores sobre el crimen y la violencia en México, El sicario es el testimonio de un asesino a sueldo que, afincado en el sangriento teatro del narcotráfico mexicano, secuestró, torturó y asesinó durante más de veinte años. Después de alejarse de tan terrible oficio y de entregarse a la religión, decidió contar su historia. El monólogo que emerge en estas páginas, estremecedor y sin precedentes, da voz a la violenta...

Ciudad del crimen / Murder City

Libro Ciudad del crimen / Murder City

Ciudad Juarez lies just across the Rio Grande from El Paso, Texas. A once-thriving border town, it now resembles a failed state. Infamously known as the place where women disappear, its murder rate exceeds that of Baghdad. Last year 1,607 people were killed, a number that is on pace to increase in 2009. In Murder City, Charles Bowden, one of the few journalists who has spent extended periods of time in Juarez, has written an extraordinary account of what happens when a city disintegrates. Interweaving stories of its inhabitants, a raped beauty queen, a repentant hitman, a journalist fleeing...